
Mixtures of genotypes are frequently unstable in composition when propagated over succesive generations. This study was designed to test whether a multiline cultivar of oats (Avena sativa L.) created to control crown rust disease (caused by Puccinia coronataCda.) would reflect differential near-isogenic line survivals when propagated under conditions of either presence or absence of rust. An oat multiline cultivar synthesized from near-isogenic lines that had different genes for resistance to crown rust was propagated under rust-free and rust epiphytotic conditions for four successive generations. In the rust-free environment, one near-isogenic line. CI 9192, which was inferior in yielding ability, was reduced significantly from 20% to 10% of the mixture, and CI 9184, which has no yield deviation from normal, increased from 20% to 38%. The other three near-isogenic lines were stable at about 20%. Also, in the rust line of descent. CI 9192 and CI 9184, respectively, decreased and increased significantly.

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