
The main aim of this article is to simulate the performance of gas condensate wells utilizing compositional model. Compositional simulation model is done for available data of three drilled wells A, B, and C of this field. P-T diagrams of wells A, B, and C of various critical pressures and temperatures, and various cricondentherm, and cricondenbar are constructed. Results show that composition varies significantly as a function of fluid phase behavior and producing sequence; condensate recovery can be improved with proper producing strategy, and productivity loss can be reduced by changing the producing sequence. Additionally, well A yields the liquid phase (gasoline with condensation traces) due to the present of C7 + C8 components in the mixture starting with the exit of the gases from the choke and up to the separator. However, wells B and C do not yield the liquid phase along the entire tubing path traveled by the extracted gases from the producing zone to the heater of the wells B and C.

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