
AbstractMass spectra from the Cosmic Dust Analyzer (CDA) [1] onboard the Cassini spacecraft revealed the existence of different compositional types of icy dust particles in Saturn’s E-ring. Most of these µm to sub-µm water ice grains were ejected from the cryo-volcanoes at the southern polar region of Enceladus and carry different constituents, for example organic compounds or salts [2-5]. These particles are subject to ongoing plasma sputtering during their lifetime in the E-ring [6,7].Recent modelling of the dynamics of E-ring particles has shown that, in the region between the orbital distances of Dione and Rhea, the outwards migration of a proportion of the E-ring dust slows down and almost comes to a halt [8]. Due to the minimum of the V-shaped electrostatic grain equilibrium potential [9] and a polarity reversal of the dust surface charges [10], the semi-major axes of the dust particles’ orbits actually stop growing, forcing the particles to spend a significant part of their lifetime at this distance from Saturn. Therefore, this phenomenon should allow plasma sputtering to operate much longer on the dust particles residing in this region, potentially resulting in detectable alterations to the dust particle properties, e.g. particle composition and size, in this region.Here we present the discovery of a new population of grains within the E ring, which show signs of compositional alteration, best explained by plasma sputtering. The radial frequency distribution of these grains shows a distinct accumulation in the region between the orbits of Dione and Rhea, and may provide evidence of prolonged residence there. Analyses of CDA mass spectra of the grains, interpreted via comparison with laboratory Laser‐Induced Liquid Beam Ion Desorption (LILBID) [11] analogue experiments, indicate the particles to be very salt-rich water ice. In comparison to the previously reported salt-rich particle types, generated from Enceladus’ subsurface ocean [3,4] this new population must possess a far higher salt concentration to explain its observed spectral appearance. We propose that the increase in salt concentration arises from sputtering-induced removal of water from less salty oceanic grains (Type 3) [3,4], during their extended time in the region between Dione and Rhea. This population may therefore represent the first confirmation of the proposed dynamical barrier within Saturn’s E-ring.

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