
Carbon and nitrogen abundance and isotopic compositions, from four EH4, one EH5, five EL6 chondrites and one aubrite, were determined by using stepped pyrolysis (N only) and combustion (N and C) extractions in attempts to distinguish the components present. Carbon contents range from 0.15 to 0.70 wt%, with no systematic relationship between carbon content and meteorite group or petrologic type. Whole-rock δ13C values range from −28.5 to −4.1 %., Most C occurs as graphite and when temperature steps above 700°C are considered, there is a difference between EH4,5 (δ13C = −9.1 to -5.8%.) and EL6 chondrites (δ13C = −6.7 to +4.2%.). Carbon in Bustee aubrite is isotopically lighter (δ13C = −24%.) than in any enstatite chondrite. Nitrogen occurs as osbornite, sinoite and in isostructural substitution for oxygen in silicate lattice sites. Nitrogen abundances and isotopic compositions are more variable than C, due to the heterogenous distribution of N-bearing minerals. Three EL6's containing osbornite have higher N concentrations than other type 6 enstatite chondrites. Sinoite, where present, is depleted in 15N relative to osbornite. Nitrogen in the Bustee aubrite has a similar abundance and δ15N value to those of EL6's, again dominated by the presence of osbornite. In addition to the refractory C-and N-bearing minerals there is also organic material (largely terrestrial contamination) and evidence for at least two “exotic” components. The first is a host for Xe (HL) and is characterized by δ13C <-−47%. and δ15N ≤−73%., whereas the second is less well-defined, but is marked by δ15N = +269%.

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