
ABSTRACf The systematics of the columbite group have been studied to quantify variations in composition and structure. Multiple regression methods involving 89 heated samples and five synthetic equivalents of columbite-group minerals give equations that permit prediction of the effects of composition on unit-cell parameters for fully ordered samples. The results are: aD= 14.258 + 0.166Mn/(Mn + Fe) + O.0072Ta/(Ta + Nb) - 0.06Ti 0.02Sn + 0.05Sc; ho = 5.7296 + 0.03 1Mn/(Mn + Fe) + 0.0024Ta/(Ta + Nb) - 0.024Ti - 0.009Sn + 0.02Sc; Co= 5.0495 + 0.033Mn/(Mn + Fe) + O.OllTa/(Ta + Nb) 0.004Ti, where aD,ho, and Coare the cell parameters (A) calculated from unit-cell concentrations of elements. With these equations, crystal-chemical trends, the effects of heating experiments, the degree of cation order, and the structural effects of heterovalent cation substitution can be predicted for samples of columbite-group minerals.

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