
Residential cooking in China’s urban areas could be a more significant contributor to organic aerosols when compared to restaurant cooking, yet no source profiles are available for Chinese residential cooking. In this study, a typical nine-floor residential apartment building in urban Guangzhou was selected to investigate the particulate mass emissions and chemical compositions of organic aerosols from Chinese residential cooking. During dinner cooking period, the average of total suspended particle (TSP) mass concentrations increased by a factor of 4.40 compared with that during non-cooking period. Organic matter (OM) was the major component of aerosols from cooking, and accounted for 66.9 % of the TSP mass. Over 90 organic species were identified and quantified, and could explain 14.5 % of OC in cooking emissions. Fatty acids alone shared 75.7 % of the total mass of quantified organic compounds, with palmitic acid as the predominant one. Sterols, monosaccharide anhydrides and polyols were also significant compositions and they together contributed 14.3 % in the total mass of the quantified organic compounds. While cholesterol was detected from western-style cooking, phytosterols were additionally observed from Chinese-style cooking, and campesterol and polyols were only reported in the present study. Chinese residential cooking emission showed small differences in composition patterns of organic compounds when compared to previously report Chinese restaurant cooking emissions, however, large differences existed when compared to western style cooking. Using cholesterol as a tracer for cooking emissions, in Guangzhou we found cooking emissions contributed 3.9–8.2 % of OC in PM2.5. Spatial distributions of cooking emission contribution were consistent with the distributions of population.

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