
AbstractTrypoxylon(Trypargilum)tridentatum tridentatumPackard (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) is a spider-hunting wasp in mesic and xeric habitats in the arid Baja California peninsula of Mexico. Spider (Araneae) prey were collected every 2 weeks from wasp trap nests. Individuals of the family Araneidae were the most abundant prey (60.9%), followed by Theridiidae and Mimetidae. Dictynidae, Anyphaenidae, Salticidae, Uloboridae, Tetragnathidae, Miturgidae, and Philodromidae were captured only in the mesic habitat. An unidentified species ofEriophoraSimon (Araneidae) was the most frequently collected spider in the xeric habitat (29.0%), followed byTheridion submissumGertsch and Davis (Theridiidae) (24.0%), which was the commonest prey species in the mesic habitat (21.1%), andMetepeira crassipesChamberlin and Ivie (Araneidae) (16.5%). Nineteen species and three families are newly recorded as prey. The araneidsAraneus lineatipes(O.P.-Cambridge) andKaira alba(Hentz) and the uloboridsPhiloponella arizonica(Gertsch) andUloborus segregatusGertsch are new records for Baja California.

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