
The current study was undertaken to investigate the composition of peroximate in relation to the types of season, sex, and group sizes in edible tissues of the finfishes of Lutjanus argentimaculatus and Epinephelus malabaricus in Nagapattinam coast of Tamil Nadu, South India. L. argentimaculatus, indeterminates are 10-40 cm, male and females are 40-85 cm, in E. malabaricus the indeterminates are 10-30 cm, male and females are 30-60 cm. Variations in proximate composition noticed between L. argentimaculatus and E. malabaricus. In L. argentimaculatus indeterminates showed moisture content ranged between 75.31 and 81.75%, both the size groups of indeterminates (10-25 and 25-40 cm) exhibited elevated values during pre-monsoon (81.75 followed by 80.34%) and small values during summer (10-25 and 25-40 cm; 78.44 followed by 78.15%). Variations in proximate composition noticed in E. malabaricus are depicted, the moisture content ranged between 72.65 and 79.95%. The male size groups (30-40 cm and indeterminates 20-30 cm) exhibited superior values during summer (79.95 followed by 78.95%) and small values during pre-monsoon and monsoon (50-60 cm; 72.75 followed by 72.65%).

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