
Content of thymol and carvacrol in Lippia graveolens essential oil was studied in response to variations in the spectral quality of light through the use of specific filters. Red, blue and transparent filters were used in the experiment. The plants responses were determined by internode distance and number of flowers. Responses in the essential oil were determined by thymol+carvacrol percentage and thymol:carvacrol ratio (T:C). The thymol+carvacrol percentage increased from 34% to 69% in red and from 34% to 87% in blue treatment. T:C ratio shows 1:1.5, 1:1.7 and 2.8:1 in control, red and blue treatments, respectively. Composition, especially T:C ratio, is an important factor in the quality of this essential oil because of its influence in biological activity.

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