
The composition and orientation dependence of the room temperature piezoelectric constantd33 and the dielectric constant tunability was investigated in poled single crystals of(1−x)Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–xPbTiO3 (PMN–PT)with x varying from 0.24 to 0.38. The temperature, frequency, orientation and compositiondependence of the dielectric constant in the poled crystals shows that domainconfigurations and phase transitions in the poled crystals strongly depend on bothcomposition and orientation. Poled polydomain crystals near the morphotropic phaseboundary, especially for -poled 0.70PMN–0.30PT crystals with a critical composition for the relaxor state, possess a large piezoelectricconstant d33 = 2210 pC N−1 and a high dielectric constant tunability of 40.6% (at a dc bias of1 kV mm−1). The largetunability of εr in PMN–PT crystals is expected to be the most promising candidate for potentialapplications in continuously adjustable capacitors and dielectric amplifiers.

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