
Structural equation modeling (SEM) has been used and developed for decades across various domains and research fields such as, among others, psychology, sociology, and business research. Although no unique definition exists, SEM is best understood as the entirety of a set of related theories, mathematical models, methods, algorithms, and terminologies related to analyzing the relationships between theoretical entities -- so-called concepts --, their statistical representations -- referred to as constructs --, and observables -- usually called indicators, items or manifest variables. This thesis is concerned with aspects of a particular strain of research within SEM -- namely, composite-based SEM. Composite-based SEM is defined as SEM involving linear compounds, i.e., linear combinations of observables when estimating parameters of interest. The content of the thesis is based on a working paper (Chapter 2), a published refereed journal article (Chapter 3), a working paper that is, at the time of submission of this thesis, under review for publication (Chapter 4), and a steadily growing documentation that I am writing for the R package cSEM (Chapter 5). The cSEM package -- written by myself and my former colleague at the University of Wuerzburg, Florian Schuberth -- provides functions to estimate, analyze, assess, and test nonlinear, hierarchical and multigroup structural equation models using composite-based approaches and procedures. In Chapter 1, I briefly discuss some of the key SEM terminology. Chapter 2 is based on a working paper to be submitted to the Journal of Business Research titled “Assessing overall model fit of composite models in structural equation modeling”. The article is concerned with the topic of overall model fit assessment of the composite model. Three main contributions to the literature are made. First, we discuss the concept of model fit in SEM in general and composite-based SEM in particular. Second, we review common fit indices and explain if and how they can be applied to assess composite models. Third, we show that, if used for overall model fit assessment, the root mean square outer residual covariance (RMS_theta) is identical to another well-known index called the standardized root mean square residual (SRMR). Chapter 3 is based on a journal article published in Internet Research called “Measurement error correlation within blocks of indicators in consistent partial least squares: Issues and remedies”. The article enhances consistent partial least squares (PLSc) to yield consistent parameter estimates for population models whose indicator blocks contain a subset of correlated measurement errors. This is achieved by modifying the correction for attenuation as originally applied by PLSc to include a priori assumptions on the structure of the measurement error correlations within blocks of indicators. To assess the efficacy of the modification, a Monte Carlo simulation is conducted. The paper is joint work with Florian Schuberth and Theo Dijkstra. Chapter 4 is based on a journal article under review for publication in Industrial Management & Data Systems called “Estimating and testing second-order constructs using PLS-PM: the case of composites of composites”. The purpose of this article is threefold: (i) evaluate and compare common approaches to estimate models containing second-order constructs modeled as composites of composites, (ii) provide and statistically assess a two-step testing procedure to test the overall model fit of such models, and (iii) formulate recommendation for practitioners based on our findings. Moreover, a Monte Carlo simulation to compare the approaches in terms of Fisher consistency, estimated bias, and RMSE is conducted. The paper is joint work with Florian Schuberth and Jorg Henseler.

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