
We study composite fermi liquid (CFL) states in the lowest Landau level (LLL) limit at a generic filling $\nu = \frac{1}{n}$. We begin with the old observation that, in compressible states, the composite fermion in the lowest Landau level should be viewed as a charge-neutral particle carrying vorticity. This leads to the absence of a Chern-Simons term in the effective theory of the CFL. We argue here that instead a Berry curvature should be enclosed by the fermi surface of composite fermions, with the total Berry phase fixed by the filling fraction $\phi_B=-2\pi\nu$. We illustrate this point with the CFL of fermions at filling fractions $\nu=1/2q$ and (single and two-component) bosons at $\nu=1/(2q+1)$. The Berry phase leads to sharp consequences in the transport properties including thermal and spin Hall conductances, which in the RPA approximation are distinct from the standard Halperin-Lee-Read predictions. We emphasize that these results only rely on the LLL limit, and do not require particle-hole symmetry, which is present microscopically only for fermions at $\nu=1/2$. Nevertheless, we show that the existing LLL theory of the composite fermi liquid for bosons at $\nu=1$ does have an emergent particle-hole symmetry. We interpret this particle-hole symmetry as a transformation between the empty state at $\nu=0$ and the boson integer quantum hall state at $\nu=2$. This understanding enables us to define particle-hole conjugates of various bosonic quantum Hall states which we illustrate with the bosonic Jain and Pfaffian states. The bosonic particle-hole symmetry can be realized exactly on the surface of a three-dimensional boson topological insulator. We also show that with the particle-hole and spin $SU(2)$ rotation symmetries, there is no gapped topological phase for bosons at $\nu=1$.

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