
Various refractory carbide target materials for isotope production have been developed for use in the ISAC target ion sources. These targets have been used online for ISAC experiments since 2002. The refractory carbide targets that have been most extensively operated online are SiC, TiC and ZrC. They have been irradiated with proton beam intensities up to 70μA. The slip casting technique, used in the production of the targets, allows for a large number of thin ceramic, composite discs to be manufactured in a consistent manner with few defects. This technique is crucial in producing a target that is able to withstand intense proton beam irradiation at high temperatures for several weeks at a time. Higher atomic mass targets such as LaC2 are currently being developed for online use with similar slip casting techniques. LaC2 is a good analog for UC2 as it has similar chemical properties. The ceramic lanthanum and uranium carbide precursors need to be manufactured in house before they can be used in the slip casting process. Special working conditions are required with the lanthanide and actinide materials as they are highly sensitive to atmospheric water and oxygen. LaC2 target material has been successfully prepared.

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