
The goal of this work was to perform a comparative analysis of the component composition of essential oils of two A. lerchiana morphotypes to find whether they can be used as a combined raw stuff. The same material—the aboveground part of each A. lerchiana Web. morphological form (f. erecta and f. nutans )—were harvested at the budding stage from the plants growing on the chalk outcrops in the Volgograd oblast (Russia) in August 2006 and dried avoiding direct sunlight. The specimens of essential oil were obtained by hydrodistillation (with yields of 1.12 and 1.11% for f. erecta and f. nutans , respectively) from the air-dry raw stuff for 3 h. Then several portions of the hydrodistillate were pooled to obtain an averaged specimen of essential oil for each morphotype. The component composition of essential oils was determined by chromato-mass-spectrometry in a PolarisQ (ThermoFinnigan, United States) device. The separation was performed in a ThermoTR-5ms quartz capillary column (0.25 mm × 25 m; copolymer 95% dimethylpolysiloxane, 5% diphenylpolysiloxane; and the phase layer of 0.25 µ m). The temperature pattern comprised 40 ° C in an isotherm mode for 3 min, programmed heating to 200 ° C at a rate of 5 ° C/min, programmed heating to 320 ° C at a rate of 20 ° C/min, and isotherm at 320 ° C for 1 min. The volume of analyzed specimens was 1 µ l; the injector with flow partition of 1 : 10; injector temperature, 250 ° C, interface temperature, 250 ° C, carrier gas, helium; and flow rate, 1 ml/min. The chromatogram of the specimens was recorded at full ionic current. The conditions of massspectrometry analysis: energy of ionizing electrons, 70 eV; mass-selective detector based on ion trap; recording of mass-spectra at positive ions in the range (m/z) of 20 to 450 at a rate of 1 scan/s. The component composition was identified according to the NIST 05 Mass Spectral Library. The data of quantitative chromatographic analysis were calculated by simple normalization. Comparison of the chromatographic patterns demonstrates the absence of any significant differences in the component compositions of the two wormwood

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