
We propose Composite Parallel Coordinates, a novel parallel coordinates technique to effectively represent the interplay of component alternatives in a system. It builds upon a dedicated data model that formally describes the interaction of components. Parallel coordinates can help decision-makers identify the most preferred solution among a number of alternatives. Multi-component systems require one such multi-attribute choice for each component. Each of these choices might have side effects on the system's operability and performance, making them co-dependent. Common approaches employ complex multi-component models or involve back-and-forth iterations between single components until an acceptable compromise is reached. A simultaneous visual exploration across independently modeled but connected components is needed to make system design more efficient. Using dedicated layout and interaction strategies, our Composite Parallel Coordinates allow analysts to explore both individual properties of components as well as their interoperability and joint performance. We showcase the effectiveness of Composite Parallel Coordinates for co-dependent multi-attribute choices by means of three real-world scenarios from distinct application areas. In addition to the case studies, we reflect on observing two domain experts collaboratively working with the proposed technique and communicating along the way.

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