
The medical records of patients with either a supraglottic carcinoma (n = 193) or a base of tongue carcinoma (n = 56) who underwent a supraglottic laryngectomy were studied. Because of aspiration total laryngectomy was required in 9.8% and 21.4% of patients with supraglottic and base of tongue carcinomas, respectively, being related to locally advanced stage of disease in the base of tongue and to an age older than 65 years in the case of supraglottic carcinomas. The non-decannulation rates were 23.8% and 50% in supraglottic and base of tongue tumours respectively. Post-operative radiotherapy did not influence the decannulation rate, but advanced local disease and age did. Post-operative mortality in the first month after the operation was 2.6% in supraglottic tumours and 3.6% in base of tongue tumours.

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