
Sutured scleral fixation of an artificial posterior chamber lens is afrequently used method for the treatment of eyes with poor or absent capsular support; however, the complication profile is often considered unfavorable. To analyze the postoperative complication profile. In this monocentric and retrospective analysis of a consecutive case series of patients with standardized sutured scleral fixation of aposterior chamber lens between 2007 and 2017, the documented complications were categorized as a permanent threat to visual acuity, such as endophthalmitis, choroidal hemorrhage, retinal detachment and clinically relevant but without a permanent threat to visual acuity, such as hemorrhage and hypotension. Additionally, the time point when complications first occurred was categorized into the 3 periods 0-3, 4-30 and ≥31days. This is the largest patient collective of a study with scleral fixation of aposterior chamber lens published so far. A total of 338 eyes from 338 patients were included in the study (women 47%) and the median postoperative follow-up period was 60days (range 1-5833 days). In 68% of the patients at least 1 complication was documented. Complications with apermanent threat to visual acuity occurred in 3% (n = 10) of the patients. The most frequent clinically relevant complications were intraocular hypotension ≤10 mm Hg (35%; n = 119), pupil decentration (28%; n = 93), hyphema, iris or vitreous hemorrhage (10%; n = 34), secondary glaucoma (9%; n = 32) and iris capture (5%; n = 17). Of the complications 41% occurred within the first 3days and 70% within the first 30days. Revision surgery was carried out in 4.5% (n = 15) of the patients. Although complications occurred in two thirds of the interventions, the number of permanent complications with a permanent threat to visual acuity was low. Scleral fixation of an artificial posterior chamber lens is still a justifiable intervention.

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