
Simple or complicated inguinal hernias are the common inguinal lumps of any surgical emergency or outpatient settings. However, inguinal hematoma, abscess, enlarged inguinal lymph node, undescended testis, lipoma, or encysted hydrocele of the spermatic cord are few relatively less common entities seen in inguinal region whereas inguinal supernumerary pectineus bursa, preperitoneal lipoma, pedunculated uterine fibromyoma, angioma of uterine ligament, inguinal endometriosis, aneurysm of femoral artery, saphena varix, and thrombophlebitis are extremely uncommon entities of the groin region. We present an interesting case in which patient presented with painful firm lump in inguinal region and the history and clinical examination was consistent with the diagnosis of an incarcerated inguinal hernia but intraoperative findings amazed us and subsequently histopathological analysis labeled it a dermoid cyst.

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