
The article presents the results of a sociological study conducted at the Penza Institute for Advanced Medical Studies with the aim of studying the level of knowledge of endoscopists about the quality criteria for performing endoscopic examinations and equipping endoscopic rooms with specialized equipment. The questionnaires of 47 endoscopists who were trained at the Department of Surgery and Endoscopy were analyzed. 57 % of respondents are aware of the need to comply with quality criteria in endoscopy; all doctors take informed voluntary consent from the patient before the study; when formulating a conclusion, 15 % use validated international classifications; the detection rate of adenomas during colonoscopy is calculated to be 2 %; 21 % perform photo documentation; 6 % comply with biopsy protocols. This is largely due to the incomplete technical equipment of endoscopy rooms: only 17 % of doctors described the number of biopsy forceps as sufficient (20 or more), 43 % of doctors note the presence of video endoscopic equipment at the workplace, however, the condition of endoscopes in most budgetary medical institutions is satisfactory, closer to bad.

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