
This paper is devoted to the analytical calculation of the contribution and opening displacement tensors of an arbitrarily oriented crack in a transformed transversely isotropic (TraTI) matrix. It generalizes a recent work considering elliptically orthotropic (EO) symmetry, as EO is a particular case of TraTI. The latter allows to explore a wider range of symmetries, including non-orthotropic symmetries. The approach is based on the linear transformation between boundary value problems with TraTI and transversely isotropic (TI) bodies. A detailed analysis shows that TraTI fourth-order tensors are described by a set of 11 parameters (5 material parameters and 6 angles defining the transformation). This is a significant enrichment beyond the set of EO tensors which depends on 7 parameters (4 material parameters and 3 angles). New analytical results are obtained for elliptical and circular cracks embedded, respectively, in TraTI, orthotropic TraTI and monoclinic TraTI matrices. It is shown that the most general case leading to analytical derivations of crack contribution and opening displacement tensors is that of a TraTI matrix with a specific restriction: the initial crack must be aligned along the isotropy plane of the TI matrix. To the best of our knowledge, this corresponds to the current largest space of matrix anisotropy allowing analytical derivation of the compliance of a single elliptical crack embedded in an infinite matrix as well as an extension of analytical 3D results showing a coupling between opening and shear modes. Numerical results are presented to illustrate potential applications of the method for the case of an arbitrarily oriented elliptical crack in an infinite uniform matrix of stiffness of arbitrary anisotropy. The best-fit problem investigated in previous papers is revisited and a new algorithm providing the closest stiffness tensor for which there exists an analytical solution to the crack opening displacement tensor is developed. Numerical applications to real TI materials are finally presented.

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