
In order to represent the different epidemiological facies that abound in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), new sentinel sites were created. Before their operationalization, baseline evaluations of the bionomics and the insecticide resistance status of malaria vectors were conducted. Using Human Landing Catches (HLCs) and Pyrethrum Spray Catches (PSCs), sampled Anopheles gambiae s.l. were screened for the presence of Plasmodium falciparum. Larval surveys were organized to assess the sensitivity of wild An. gambiae to selected insecticides. Surveys on the community use of Insecticide-Treated Nets (ITNs), Surveys on the community use of Insecticide-Treated Nets (ITNs), were conducted. A total of 2238 Anopheles were collected. Including, 1802 (80.5%) by HLC and 436 (19.5%) by PSC. The majority of the samples were An. gambiae (98%) with very high average transmission entomological indices (density, Human Biting Rates (HBRs) and Entomological Inoculation Rates (EIRs)). These An. gambiae were resistant to selected insecticides at all sites. Households close to breeding sites were at high risk. Overall, ITN coverage was low (41.7%). Of these three sites, only Mweka presented a good coverage of 90%. Only Mweka presented a good coverage of 90%. The sentinel sites are located in the same epidemiological facies where the conditions for transmission of the disease and the incidence are identical. This transmission is ensured by An. gambiae with high resistance statuses vis-à-vis pyrethroids. The ecological choice is necessary for a good representation.

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