
The B-Z transition of the synthetic oligonucleotide, (dG-dC)20, induced by Mn2+ ions at room temperature, was investigated by absorption and Vibrational Circular Dichroism (VCD) spectroscopy in the range of 1800–800 cm−1. Metal ion concentration was varied from 0 to 0.73 M Mn2+ (0 to 8.5 moles of Mn2+ per mole of oligonucleotide phosphate, [Mn]/[P]). While both types of spectra showed considerable changes as the Mn2+ concentrations were raised, differences between the two were often complementary in their expression and extent, those displayed by VCD being more clearly evident due to the inversion of the opposite helical sense from the right-handed to the left-handed conformation. The main phase of the transition occurred in the metal ion concentration between 0.8−1.1 [Mn]/[P]. Gradual changes that took place in the spectra were interpreted in terms of simultaneous processes that depended on metal ion concentration, namely B-Z transformation, binding of Mn2+ to phosphates and to nitrogen bases, and partial denaturation. Below∼0.6 [Mn]/[P], only a small portion of the oligonucleotide adopted the Z conformation within a 3 hour period, whereas conversion was completed in the same time interval for concentrations between 0.9−1.2 [Mn]/[P]. At [Mn]/[P] > 1.7, complete transition to the Z-form took place immediately on adding Mn2+. Applying VCD spectroscopy in combination with conventional infrared absorption proved most useful for corroborating changes in the absorption spectra, and for detecting in an unique manner, not attainable by absorption methods, conformational changes that lead to the inversion of the helical sense of the oligonucleotide.

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