
Endothelial cells in longitudinal and cross sections of aortas from 3 randomly selected “normal” mongrel dogs were studied by electron microscopy. Segments of aorta were distended with cold cacodylate buffered 5% glutaraldehyde for 10 minutes prior to being cut into small, well oriented tissue blocks. After an additional 1-1/2 hour period in glutaraldehyde, the tissue blocks were well rinsed in buffer and post-fixed in OsO4. After dehydration they were embedded in a mixture of Maraglas, D.E.R. 732, and DDSA.Aldehyde fixation preserves the filamentous and tubular structures (300 Å and less) for adequate demonstration and study. The functional significance of filaments and microtubules has been recently discussed by Buckley and Porter; the precise roles of these cytoplasmic components remains problematic. Endothelial cells in canine aortas contained an abundance of both types of structures.

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