
AbstractThe goal of this paper is to investigate a complex validation, developed by Rauschert in Poland, of casted ceramic filters for microfiltration. For disc manufacturing, a self‐developed material RaFo‐MF‐401e with a filtration membrane was used. The presented experiment was conducted on component, subsystem, and system levels. Component level analysis consisted of the investigation of mechanical strength, hardness, rough lifetime, and resistance against acids and alkalis. Annealing at high temperature and humidity was used to test the subsystem. The final system test was executed on the real filtration system. The final aim of the tests was to verify the filtration efficiency of a complete module (core and membrane) in a real filtration device. The filtration quality of the whole setup was very good and the particles in the permeate (filtrated solution) were smaller than 10 μm (defined as D99). Thus, the developed discs provide the expected filtration quality in the range of microfiltration.

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