
We calculate the spectrum of transfer matrix eigenvalues associated with Polyakov loops in finite-density lattice QCD with static quarks. These eigenvalues determine the spatial behavior of Polyakov loop correlations functions. Our results are valid for all values of the gauge coupling in $1+1$ dimensions, and valid in the strong-coupling region for any number of dimensions. When the quark chemical potential $\mu$ is nonzero, the spatial transfer matrix $T_s$ is non-Hermitian. The appearance of complex eigenvalues in $T_s$ is a manifestation of the sign problem in finite-density QCD. The invariance of finite-density QCD under the combined action of charge conjugation $\mathcal{C}$ and complex conjugation $\mathcal{K}$ implies that the eigenvalues of $T_s$ are either real or part of a complex pair. Calculation of the spectrum confirms the existence of complex pairs in much of the temperature-chemical potential plane. Many features of the spectrum for static quarks are determined by a particle-hole symmetry. For $\mu$ small compared to the quark mass $M$, we typically find real eigenvalues for the lowest lying states. At somewhat larger values of $\mu,$ pairs of eigenvalues may form complex-conjugate pairs, leading to damped oscillatory behavior in Polyakov loop correlation functions. However, near $\mu=M$, the low-lying spectrum becomes real again. This is a direct consequence of the approximate particle-hole symmetry at $\mu=M$ for heavy quarks. This behavior of the eigenvalues should be observable in lattice simulations and can be used as a test of lattice algorithms. Our results provide independent confirmation of results we have previously obtained in PNJL models using complex saddle points.

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