
ABSTRACT Exposure to potentially traumatic events and posttraumatic stress are known risk factors for suicidal thoughts and behaviors (STB). Research suggests that sexual minorities are disproportionately exposed to traumatic events and experience greater STB than their heterosexual peers, although few studies have explored connections between these parallel disparities. Further, existing literature may implicate complex posttraumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) as a potential mechanism in the trauma-suicide connection among sexual minorities. This study uses a sample from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC-III; n = 1351) to test structural equation models for associations between trauma exposure, heterosexist discrimination, and CPTSD with suicide attempt status. We found CPTSD mediated associations between exposure to traumatic events and presence of a lifetime suicide attempt among sexual minority male and female samples. Discrimination demonstrated a synergistic effect on the association between trauma exposure and CPTSD, but, among males, CPTSD did not fully explain associations between discrimination and suicide attempts. Our findings suggest that CPTSD should be considered an important mechanism in the trauma-suicide connection for sexual minorities and may be a potentially important target for suicide prevention and that interventions should address the influence of discrimination on traumatic stress in this high-risk population.

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