
are determined by the static pinning potential E0(x) (x is a DW displacement). The magnetic after-efiect (MAE) of permeability „ = „1 i i„2 is related to the stabilization potential ES(x;t) = ES(x)G(t), separated to ES(x) = 1 fix 2 , for small x < d (d is a DW thickness) and to time relaxation function G(t), when an external magnetic fleld H(t) = H0 exp(i!t) with small amplitude H0 < Hcr is applied. The MAE of the complex permeability „ can be expressed as a change of its reciprocal value (reluctivity) r = 1=„ = r1 + ir2: ¢r(t) = r(t2) i r(t1) at time interval from t1 to t2 after demagnetization [1].

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