
The lower Toarcian black shale and mudstone succession of the Anya section in the northeastern Ordos Basin records a climatically controlled evolution of the lacustrine system during the negative carbon isotope excursion (NCIE) of the Toarcian oceanic anoxic event (T-OAE; ca. 183 Ma). In the Anya section, petrography integrated with climate proxies (Sr/Cu and Rb/Sr) and weathering indices (weathering index of Parker, chemical index of weathering and plagioclase index of alteration), suggests that a warm-humid climate with sporadic semihumid-semiarid intervals developed during the early Toarcian and was coincident with strong chemical weathering. Sr/Ba and S/TOC ratios suggest that the Anya section's rocks were generally deposited in freshwater. Four phases (phases A, B, C and D) in lake evolution are distinguished from the variation in petrographical and geochemical proxies providing clues about the drivers of environmental change and organic matter accumulation in the lacustrine basin. Phases A and C have a high preservation of organic matter derived from lake plankton (Type II-III kerogens), were characterized by anoxia, and coincided with high primary productivity. On the contrary, phases B and D indicate a low primary productivity and suboxic-oxic conditions, with a lower organic matter content of predominantly higher land plant origin (Type III kerogen). The accumulation of organic matter was mainly controlled by changes in primary productivity and redox conditions that were tightly linked to the local sedimentary evolution of the Ordos Basin and to global and regional climate. During the early Toarcian NCIE, the accumulation of organic-poor sediment and terrestrial organic matter may have been driven by enhanced seasonality, superimposing on local lake level changes. As a consequence, the peak of the T-OAE carbon cycle perturbation does not coincide with lacustrine black shale deposition and/or peak anoxia in this continental depositional system. This emphasizes the significance of local or regional environmental change on the carbon sequestration within lacustrine systems.

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