
Abstract Orthodontic treatment has been a boon for many patients who wish to change their esthetic appearance that goes concomitantly with their psychological well-being. This treatment modality has changed strenuous appliance design to simple but excellent result delivering appliances. The duration of orthodontic treatment has always been a major challenge in relation to the patient’s compliance, so the appliance which an orthodontist delivers to a patient should always be efficient and also produce good results in a short period of time. An 18-year-old female patient came to the department of orthodontics with a chief complaint for forwardly placed upper front teeth; upon examination, the patient showed Class II skeletal and dental relation with increased overjet and overbite with horizontal growth pattern. The patient was given Tip-Edge appliance since it can reduce the large overjet in a short duration, and treatment was completed within 13 months. Tip-Edge appliance delivers faster results when compared with other appliances, which helps a lot in the patient’s compliance and satisfaction.

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