
This paper presents a method to finely model the arbitrarily irregular-shaped and inhomogeneous dielectric target. The target is first geometrically divided into a set of homogeneous and isotropic tetrahedral regions. Each region is precisely matched with a set of electromagnetic parameters. As a result, this can accurately model the target which has an extremely complex dielectric constant distribution and an irregular shape. Regarding the electromagnetic scattering evaluation of the established model, the method of moments (MoM) is adopted in consideration of the coupling between these tetrahedral regions, and the total scattering is obtained by solving the matrix equation. The above two computational sections are integrated into a self-designed software. One can just input the spatial distribution of the dielectric constant and then the designed software automatically processes the target’s geometric information and meshes the target. Finally, the scattered electric field and radar cross section (RCS) of the target are output from the software. The designed software provides an effective and accurate way to study the electromagnetic scattering characteristics of the complex inhomogeneous objects.

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