
Throughout the animal kingdom, the Notch signalling pathway allows cells to acquire diversified cell fates. Notch signals are translated into activation of Notch target genes by CSL transcription factors. In the absence of Notch signals, CSL together with co-repressors functions as a transcriptional repressor. In Drosophila, repression of Notch target genes involves the CSL homologue Suppressor of Hairless (Su(H)) and the Notch (N) antagonist Hairless (H) that together form a repressor complex. Guided by crystal structure, three mutations Su(H)LL, Su(H)LLF and Su(H)LLL were generated that specifically affect interactions with the repressor H, and were introduced into the endogenous Su(H) locus by gene engineering. In contrast to the wild type isoform, these Su(H) mutants are incapable of repressor complex formation. Accordingly, Notch signalling activity is dramatically elevated in the homozygotes, resembling complete absence of H activity. It was noted, however, that heterozygotes do not display a dominant H loss of function phenotype. In this work we addressed genetic interactions the three H-binding deficient Su(H) mutants display in combination with H and N null alleles. We included a null mutant of Delta (Dl), encoding the ligand of the Notch receptor, as well as of Su(H) itself in our genetic analyses. H, N or Dl mutations cause dominant wing phenotypes that are sensitive to gene dose of the others. Moreover, H heterozygotes lack bristle organs and develop bristle sockets instead of shafts. The latter phenotype is suppressed by Su(H) null alleles but not by H-binding deficient Su(H) alleles which we attribute to the socket cell specific activity of Su(H). Modification of the dominant wing phenotypes of either H, N or Dl, however, suggested some lack of repressor activity in the Su(H) null allele and likewise in the H-binding deficient Su(H) alleles. Overall, Su(H) mutants are recessive perhaps reflecting self-adjusting availability of Su(H) protein.


  • H-binding deficient Su(H) alleles cannot be recruited into H-Su(H) repressor complexes, and lack repressor function, which is apparent in the homozygotes as a clear increase in Notch signalling activity similar to a H null mutant [27]

  • We have studied the genetic interactions between H-binding deficient Su(H) alleles and mutations affecting several Notch pathway components

  • H-binding deficient Su(H) alleles fail at repressor complex formation

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The opposite phenotypes, lack of bristles or veins, are observed when Notch activity is gained, and primary cell fate is completely inhibited as a consequence [3,7,8]. Su(H)attP resemble HattP heterozygotes in the genetic combinations similar to H-binding deficient Su(H) alleles. H-binding deficient Su(H) alleles cannot be recruited into H-Su(H) repressor complexes, and lack repressor function, which is apparent in the homozygotes as a clear increase in Notch signalling activity similar to a H null mutant [27].

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