
The proposed research aims to accomplish an improved A* algorithm for mobile robots in complex environments. In this novel algorithm, the guidance of environment information is added to the evaluation function to enhance the adaptability of the algorithm in complex environments. Additionally, to solve the problem of path smoothness, the optimal selection rules for child nodes and the bidirectional optimization strategy for path smoothing are introduced to reduce redundant nodes, which effectively makes the search space smaller and the path smoother. The simulation experiments show that, compared with the colony algorithm and Dijkstra algorithms, the proposed algorithm has significantly improved performance. Compared with the A* algorithm, the average planning time is reduced by 17.2%, the average path length is reduced by 2.05%, the average turning point is reduced by 49.4%, and the average turning Angle is reduced by 75.5%. The improved A* algorithm reduces the search space by 61.5% on average. The simulation results show that the effectiveness and adaptability of the improved A* algorithm in complex environments are verified by multi-scale mapping and multi-obstacle environment simulation experiments.

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