
The work is devoted to solving an urgent scientific problem - increasing the informativeness of methods for assessing the effectiveness of energy saving measures in the areas of heat supply and heat consumption. The pur-pose of the research was to create and implement a method for multicriteria evaluation of the effectiveness of en-ergy-saving measures for the thermal energy of buildings. The following indicators are used as criteria for as-sessing the effectiveness of the studied measures in this method: 1) energy effect - the absolute and relative value of the saved thermal energy; 2) environmental effect - the amount of fuel saved, reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and pollutants into the atmosphere; 3) economic effect - the cost of saved thermal energy and fuel. The prac-tical implementation of the created method was carried out on the basis of 2 full-scale objects: No. 1 - a 3-story fragment of the administrative building of Kharkov National University of Municipal Economy them. A.N. Beketo-va with a total heated area of 225 m2 and No. 2 - the building of the communal institution "Kharkov Palace of Children and Youth Creativity" with a total heated area of more than 13700 m2. For full-scale object No. 1, the effectiveness of using «smart home» technology to control the thermal conditions of the building’s premises using the HERZ Smart Comfort automated system has been evaluated. For full-scale object No. 2 was evaluated the ef-fectiveness of 2 energy-saving measures: controlling the thermal conditions of the building’s premises with the HERZ Smart Comfort system and using an alternative heat source - heliosystem, which consists of 180 solar collec-tors. The research results showed such properties of the proposed method for evaluating the effectiveness of ener-gy-saving measures, such as: high information content of the results, providing the possibility of multicriteria optimization of the parameters of heat supply systems and heat consumption of the research object, ability to im-prove by increasing the number of studied performance indicators. Keywords: heat supply, heated area, energy saving measures, efficiency, complex assessment, natural object, educational institution.

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