
Given a connected graph \(G=(V(G), E(G))\), the length of a shortest path from a vertex u to a vertex v is denoted by d(u, v). For a proper subset W of V(G), let m(W) be the maximum value of d(u, v) as u ranging over W and v ranging over \(V(G)\setminus W\). The proper subset \(W=\{w_1,\ldots ,w_{|W|}\}\) is a completeness-resolving set of G if $$\begin{aligned} \Psi _W: V(G)\setminus W \longrightarrow [m(W)]^{|W|},\qquad u\longmapsto (d(w_1,u),\ldots ,d(w_{|W|},u)) \end{aligned}$$is a bijection, where $$\begin{aligned}{}[m(W)]^{|W|}=\{(a_{(1)},\ldots ,a_{(|W|)})\mid 1\le a_{(i)}\le m(W)\text { for each }i=1,\ldots ,|W|\}. \end{aligned}$$A graph is completeness-resolvable if it admits a completeness-resolving set. In this paper, we first construct the set of all completeness-resolvable graphs by using the edge coverings of some vertices in given bipartite graphs, and then establish posets on some subsets of this set by the spanning subgraph relationship. Based on each poset, we find the maximum graph and give the lower and upper bounds for the number of edges in a minimal graph. Furthermore, minimal graphs satisfying the lower or upper bound are characterized.

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