
A 46-year-old male presented with a history of dog bite to the left eye. Examination revealed complete loss of the left upper eyelid with loss of the upper punctum and the surrounding tissue with extensive tissue damage. Anterior segment examination revealed an irregular epithelial defect, and the rest of the findings were unremarkable. After a thorough assessment and cleaning, anti-rabies immunoglobulin injection was given around the wound and anti-rabies vaccination schedule was started. Locally the eye was covered with plastic shield to prevent exposure after instillation of homatropine eye drop as a cycloplegic and chloramphenicol eye ointment as a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Systemically amoxicillin-clavulanic acid and metronidazole was started. Daily dressing was done for about a week. Once signs of healing were seen, the patient was posted for multi-step lid transplantation.

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