
Using conformal field theory, we perform a complete analysis of the chiral six-point correlation function with the four ϕ1, 2 operators at the corners of an arbitrary rectangle, and the point z = x + iy in the interior. We calculate this for arbitrary central charge (equivalently, SLE parameter κ > 0). C is of physical interest because for percolation (κ = 6) and many other two-dimensional critical points, it specifies the density at z of critical clusters conditioned to touch either or both vertical ends of the rectangle, with these ends ‘wired’, i.e. constrained to be in a single cluster, and the horizontal ends free. The correlation function may be written as the product of an algebraic prefactor f and a conformal block G, where f = f(x, y, m), with m a cross-ratio specified by the corners (m determines the aspect ratio of the rectangle). By appropriate choice of f and using coordinates that respect the symmetry of the problem, the conformal block G is found to be independent of either y or x, and given by an Appell function.

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