
SummaryA 15‐year‐old multiparous Quarter Horse mare with a pre‐existing (>1 year) prepubic tendon rupture was presented pregnant (approximately 310 days gestation) with mild signs of generalised discomfort and an advanced degree of cervical relaxation. The foal was declared to be the priority in an emergency situation; therefore, intravenous dexamethasone (0.1 mg/kg bwt i.v. q24h) was administered in an attempt to mature the fetus in case urgent induction of parturition was required. Within 36 h of admission, the mare developed a complete rupture of the caudoventral body wall and skin, from the anus to the cranial aspect of the mammary gland. Because eventration had occurred, the mare underwent immediate euthanasia and terminal caesarean section via a modified approach. The colt foal was euthanised on humane grounds, due to an inability to breathe without a ventilator, following 72 h of intensive care. Rebreeding mares with prepubic tendon rupture is not recommended, this case report presents important evidence that rebreeding mares with this condition can have fatal consequences.

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