
Type I and Type II nude (nu/nu) mice are borne and raised by nu/nu dams and +/nu dams, respectively, under SPF conditions. Splenocytes from Type I nude mice exhibit even smaller in vitro PFC responses to trinitrophenylated rabbit erythrocytes than splenocytes from Type II nude mice. Type II splenocytes complement the magnitude of the PFC response of Type I splenocytes. The helper cell-like activity contained in Type II splenocyte suspensions was increased by treating Type II nude donor mice with dibutyryl cyclic AMP, but was essentially unaffected by pretreatment of Type II donors with endotoxin (LPS). The helper-like activity of Type II splenocytes was suppressed by treatment with a rabbit antiserum (plus C′) raised against a mixture of neonatal mouse thymocytes (RAM-T). We interpret the data to indicate that Type II splenocytes contain a larger number of residual T cells and/or a more fully developed population of T precursor cells that initiate or that are capable of being induced to initiate a helper function.

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