
A report entitled “complementary considerations” has recently been published by Posiva, the organization implementing the spent fuel disposal programme in Finland. It is part of the documentation (called TURVA-2012 safety case) submitted in 2012 for the construction license for a deep geological repository at the Olkiluoto site in Finland. The complementary considerations report addresses diverse and less quantifiable types of evidence and arguments for long-term safety which enhance confidence in the outcome of the safety assessment, especially for times greater than a few thousand years. Natural analogues form the core of the “complementary considerations” with the focus very much on geological occurrences of materials and/or processes which mirror those in the repository. For example, native copper is found in fractures in the Fennoscandian Shield and an understanding of its persistence would be of use when assessing the likely lifetime of the copper canister which surrounds the spent fuel. Based on the outcome of this Olkiluoto site specific report, research topics have been identified in relation to processes affecting the performance and future behaviour of the engineered barrier system materials, especially in relation to corrosion of copper and iron (used in waste container outer shell and insert, respectively), alteration and deformation of the bentonite buffer (clay used in the voids between the waste container and bedrock) and interaction with cementitious materials (tunnel supports etc.) “complementary considerations” is not the sole user of natural analogue information within the safety case, but its main aim is to allow thorough discussion and provide background that can be referred to in other safety case documentation, such as process descriptions, assessment of repository performance etc.

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