
This symposium aims to highlight potential new research directions on complementary assets research. In the seminal study, Teece (1986) proposes the importance of complementary assets in capturing value from innovation. The significance of this foundational idea has inspired an extraordinary breadth of scholarly work that spans across multiple disciplines. At the same time, somewhat paradoxically, due to its immense success, complementary assets have become a theory that often remains in the background for many recent studies. The field has now reached an opportune time to review diverse streams of work, take stock of latest advances, and reflect on its future. Value Capture Through Complementarities in Ecosystems Presenter: Cameron Miller; Syracuse U. Strategy as Orchestrating Patterns of Complementarity Presenter: Anparasan Mahalingam; U. of Utah, David Eccles School of Business AI as Complementary Engines of Growth – Firm Inequality on the Technological Frontier Presenter: Daniel Rock; The Wharton School, U. of Pennsylvania Purposeful Disownership of Assets – Paying Contract Manufacturers to Reduce Termination Cost Presenter: Dongil Daniel Keum; Columbia Business School

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