
To deepen our knowledge of the role of complement in synaptic impairment in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) mice, we investigated the distribution of C1q and C3 proteins and the role of complement as a promoter of glutamate release in purified nerve endings (synaptosomes) and astrocytic processes (gliosomes) isolated from the cortex of EAE mice at the acute stage of the disease (21 ± 1day post-immunization). EAE cortical synaptosomes and gliosomes were analysed for glutamate release efficiency (measured as release of preloaded [3H]D-aspartate ([3H]D-ASP)), C1q and C3 protein density, and for viability and ongoing apoptosis. In healthy mice, complement releases [3H]D-ASP from gliosomes more efficiently than from synaptosomes. The releasing activity occurs in a dilution-dependent manner and involves the reversal of the excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs). In EAE mice, the complement-induced releasing activity is significantly reduced in cortical synaptosomes but amplified in cortical gliosomes. These adaptations are paralleled by decreased density of the EAAT2 protein in synaptosomes and increased EAAT1 staining in gliosomes. Concomitantly, PSD95, GFAP, and CD11b, but not SNAP25, proteins are overexpressed in the cortex of the EAE mice. Similarly, C1q and C3 protein immunostaining is increased in EAE cortical synaptosomes and gliosomes, although signs of ongoing apoptosis or altered viability are not detectable. Our results unveil a new noncanonical role of complement in the CNS of EAE mice relevant to disease progression and central synaptopathy that suggests new therapeutic targets for the management of MS.

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