
Although it is generally believed that circulating exogenous pyrogens [e.g., lipopolysaccharides (LPS)] induce fever via the mediation of endogenous pyrogens (EP) such as cytokines, the first of these, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, is usually not detectable in blood until at least 30 min after intravenous administration of LPS, whereas the febrile rise begins within 15 min after its administration. Moreover, although abundant evidence indicates that circulating LPS is cleared primarily by liver macrophages [Kupffer cells (KC)], these do not secrete EP in immediate response. This would imply that other factors, presumably evoked earlier than EP, may mediate the onset of the febrile response to intravenous LPS. It is well known that blood-borne LPS very rapidly activates the intravascular complement (C) system, some components of which in turn stimulate the quick release into blood of various substances that have roles in the acute inflammatory reaction. KC contain receptors for C components and are in close contact with afferent vagal terminals in the liver; the involvement of hepatic vagal afferents in LPS-induced fever has recently been shown. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that the initiation of fever by intravenous LPS involves, sequentially, the C system and KC. To test this postulated mechanism, we measured directly the levels of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in the interstitial fluid of the preoptic anterior hypothalamus (POA), the presumptive site of the fever-producing controller, of conscious guinea pigs over their entire febrile course, before and after C depletion by cobra venom factor (CVF) and before and after elimination of KC by gadolinium chloride (GdCl3). CVF and GdCl3 pretreatment each individually attenuated the first of the biphasic core temperature (Tc) rises after intravenous LPS, inverted the second into a Tc fall, and greatly reduced the usual fever-associated increase in POA PGE2. We conclude, therefore, that C activation may indeed be pivotal in the induction of fever by intravenous LPS and that substance(s) generated presumably by KC in almost immediate reaction to the presence of LPS and/or C may transmit pyrogenic signals via hepatic vagal afferents to the POA, where they rapidly induce the production of PGE2 and, hence, fever.

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