
The Willyama Supergroup of the Broken Hill region in southern Australia consists of supracrustal sedimentary and magmatic rocks, formed between 1810 and 1600 Ma. A statistical analysis of nearly 2000 SHRIMP U–Pb zircon spot ages, compiled from published and unpublished sources, provides evidence for three distinct tectonostratigraphic successions and four magmatic events during this interval. Succession 1 includes Redan Geophysical Zone gneisses and the lower part of the Thackaringa Group (Cues Formation). These rocks were deposited after 1810 Ma and host granite sills of the first magmatic event (1710–1700 Ma). Succession 2 includes the upper Thackaringa Group (Himalaya Formation), the Broken Hill Group and the Sundown Group and was deposited between 1710 and 1660 Ma. These rocks all contain detrital zircons from the first magmatic event (1710–1700 Ma) and in some cases from the second magmatic event (1690–1680 Ma). The second magmatic event (1690–1680 Ma) was bimodal, resulted from crustal extension, and was coeval with deposition of the Broken Hill Group and deepening of the basin. With this event a mafic sill swarm focused in the Broken Hill Domain. Mafic sills lack any trace of inheritance, unlike the granitoids that commonly contain inherited zircons typical of the supracrustal sediments. Succession 3, the Paragon Group and equivalents were deposited after 1660 Ma, but before a regional metamorphic event at 1600 Ma. Metamorphism was closely followed by inversion of the succession into a fold‐and‐thrust belt, accompanied by a fourth late to post‐orogenic magmatic event (ca 1580 Ma) characterised by granite intrusion and regional acid volcanism (the local equivalents of the Gawler Range Volcanics in South Australia).

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