
People management has undergone a change in approach, getting a strategic context, in which human resource management aligns with organizational planning. In the public administration, using the managerial context, this movement also started to gain strength. One of the instruments of this approach is the competency management. In the Brazilian case it was introduced through the publication of the Decree number 5.707, in the year of 2006, which establishes the National Policy for Staff Development (Politica Nacional de Desenvolvimento de Pessoal - PNDP), and brings the competency management as the training and development management. The challenges to implement that public policy are many, therefore, this study aimed to compare the insights of the senior management of Fluminense Federal University (UFF) and those of the different hierarchical levels, regarding the indicators of behavioral competences of the competency mapping project. It also wanted to analyze how these insights can dialogue to the legal provisions related to people management, in particular, those related to probation evaluation, foreseen by the article 20 of the Law 8.112/90. This study was characterized as being descriptive, qualitative, documental, as well as relied on a case study. The insights examined refer to 1609 profiles of behavioral competencies mapped at UFF during the years of 2012 to 2017. The results of the present study point out that only some of the indicators show a similar perception between the senior management and the other hierarchical levels, and suggests, with some reservations, it is possible the use of the competency management in the public management.

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