
Among the works of domestic researchers, issues related to the assessment of the competitiveness of a particular type of goods or services are often raised, but specialized studies devoted specifically to the competitiveness of organic matter are practically absent among scientific interests. This is due to the novelty of this type of goods for the Russian consumer, an ambiguous understanding of the essence of "organic matter", difficulty in perceiving the price and quality characteristics of this product. This is also explained by the immaturity of the market itself, which is still in its infancy due to an undeveloped legisla-tive base, the lack of clear legislative and regulatory framework, and difficulties associated with bureau-cratic procedures. In the classical domestic understanding, the level of competitiveness is determined by the ability of a product to meet the requirements of the target audience, therefore, it is possible to analyze the competitiveness of products by comparing indicators of one product with indicators of other similar products, determining thereby how well one product or another is able to meet consumer needs. The competitiveness of a product is shaped by the influence of factors creating certain superiority over direct competitors, and an assessment of the level of competitiveness of environmentally friendly products will determine the future development of the organic market in the region, which contributes to the improve-ment of social well-being and consumer mood. The level of competitiveness of environmentally friendly products, due to the small number of manufacturers operating in the domestic market, can be based on an assessment of qualitative socio-demographic indicators. Therefore, methods for determining the level of competitiveness of environmentally friendly products should include an assessment of this product direct-ly from the perspective of final users, and, moreover, it will be of a subjective nature, which is associated with high individualization of organic product consumption.

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