
Soil Bradyrhizobium populations limit nodule occupancy of soybean by symbiotically-superior inoculant strains throughout much of the American midwest. In this study, the competitiveness of indigenous populations of B. japonicum serocluster 123 from Waukegan and Webster soils was evaluated in growth pouches using a root-tip marking procedure. The native rhizobia were from soils incubated 0–8 h in soybean root exudate (SRE) or plant nutrient solution (PNS) prior to inoculation. Populations of serocluster 123 strains in soil and nodule occupancy by these strains were assessed using fluorescent antibodies prepared against B. japonicum USDA 123. There were no significant differences in populations that came from SRE or PNS incubated soils: both populations increased in number over the incubation period. Nodule occupancy by both populations in growth pouches was similar to that previously encountered in field studies with these two soils. With the Waukegan soil, the serocluster 123 population dominated nodulation forming 69 and 62% of taproot nodules above and below the root tip mark, respectively. However, for the more alkaline Webster soil, serocluster 123 strains were much less competitive, producing only 9 and 13%, respectively, of the nodules formed above and below the root tip mark. In growth pouches, soil populations of bradyrhizobia from the Webster soil produced significantly more nodules than those from the Waukegan soil, but both strains and a pure culture of USDA 110 had a similar distribution of nodules.

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