
When entering a new community, introduced species leave behind members of their native community while simultaneously forming novel biotic interactions. Escape from enemies during the process of introduction has long been hypothesized to drive the increased performance of invasive species. However, recent studies and quantitative syntheses find that invaders often receive similar, or even more, damage from enemies than do native species. Therefore, invasives may be those more tolerant to enemy damage, or those able to maintain competitive ability in light of enemy damage. Here, we investigate whether tolerance and competitive ability could contribute to invasive plant success. We determined whether invasive plants were more competitive than native or noninvasive exotic species in both the presence and absence of simulated herbivory. We found competition and herbivory additively reduced individual performance, and affected the performance of native, invasive, and noninvasive exotic species’ to the same degree. However, invasives exerted stronger competitive effects on an abundant native species (Elymus canadensis) in both the presence and absence of herbivory. Therefore, while invasive species responded similarly to competition and simulated herbivory, their competitive effects on natives may contribute to their success in their introduced range.

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