
Ordo-liberalism stands for a doctrine of economic policy, one might even say of social philosophy; this doctrine has been defined by economists and some jurists like Walter Eucken, Franz Bohm, Alfred Muller-Armack, Leonhard Miksch, Wilhelm Ropke, Alexander Rustow and others.1 Its significance is based less on the novelty of the elements or the overall perspective than on its decisive influence on the unfolding of the social market economy after World War II in the Federal Republic of Germany. That influence was introduced into politics particularly by Ludwig Erhard. He was first the Director of Economic Administration in the unified American-British zones of occupation and later Minister for Economic Affairs during the first fourteen years of the Federal Republic of Germany. The influence of Ordo-liberalism still persists. It can be found also in the founding treaties of the European Economic Community and thereby in an international legal system with characteristics similar to a constitution.

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