
The paper examines the features of the legal regulation of consideration of administrative disputes and public service disputes as one of their types by the courts of general jurisdiction. It is shown that, despite the public and managerial nature of state-official, disciplinary relations, public service disputes between civil servants and an authorized manager about the legality of disciplinary sanctions, as well as disputes between employees and their employers, are dealt with by the courts under the rules of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, since the legislation does not establish special jurisdictional rules for claims arising from public service disputes. The author substantiates the opinion that for administrative cases challenging (appealing) the decisions, acts (or omissions to act) of state authorities and other state bodies and their officials on the ground of their nature and content of legal relations underlying them, administrative proceedings constitute the preferred procedural form for their consideration. Currently, administrative proceedings do not have any legitimate possibility to consider a dispute complicated by civil claims. Based on the analysis of existing approaches to the choice of procedural forms of consideration of public service disputes, it is suggested that the court can consistently consider within one administrative case, first, the legality of an administrative act, and then the claims against the state body, which will require the revision of the concept of the Code of Administrative Court Procedure in the RF.


  • Государственный служащий на основании ч. 2 ст. 46 Конституции РФ вправе обжаловать в суд решения и действия органов государственной власти и должностных лиц

  • The paper examines the features of the legal regulation of consideration of administrative disputes and public service disputes as one of their types by the courts of general jurisdiction

  • Despite the public and managerial nature of state-official, disciplinary relations, public service disputes between civil servants and an authorized manager about the legality of disciplinary sanctions, as well as disputes between employees and their employers, are dealt with by the courts under the rules of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, since the legislation does not establish special jurisdictional rules for claims arising from public service disputes

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Государственный служащий на основании ч. 2 ст. 46 Конституции РФ вправе обжаловать в суд решения и действия (или бездействие) органов государственной власти и должностных лиц. Обосновывается мнение, что для административных дел об оспаривании (обжаловании) в судах решений, действий (бездействия) органов государственной власти, иных государственных органов, их должностных лиц, исходя из природы, содержания правоотношений, лежащих в их основе, предпочтительной процессуальной формой их рассмотрения является административное судопроизводство, которое в настоящее время не располагает правовыми возможностями рассмотрения спора, осложненного исковыми требованиями.

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