
Artificial intelligence is an important core technology leading a new round of scientific and technological revolution, which will inevitably bring profound changes to military operations, industrial upgrading and social governance modernization. Faced with the potential of this technology to reshape the international pattern, major countries in the world have successively raised the development of artificial intelligence to the national strategic level, which has led to a fierce competition in science and technology among big countries, among which the most noticeable one is the cold war of artificial intelligence launched by the United States against China. The existing research believes that the United States maintains global leadership and discourages China's technological catch-up drive the direction of American artificial intelligence policy towards China. Through the policy investigation of the last two American governments, it can be found that the American competition for artificial intelligence in China has a strong political color of power. The White House and the State Council are obsessed with stigmatizing the application of artificial intelligence in China, showing a long-term preference for institutional leadership and the right to make rules. However, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Commerce have decision-making contradictions and position exchanges in the specific implementation of maintaining American technological hegemony and supply chain stability. In advancing the iteration of military intelligence, the US military's empowerment of offensive weapons not only reduces the credibility of maintaining strategic stability signals, but also deepens the security dilemma between China and the United States. These findings are helpful to understand the complex signals released by the “security” of American artificial intelligence technology, and provide a possible perspective and direction for exploring global security governance in the intelligent age.

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